Tuesday, 11 September 2012 16:11

Withrow Park To Represent at the World Masters Cup in 2012

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Every two years an international ball hockey championship for men’s Masters (40 and over).

In 2010, Team Slovakia bested Team Canada (which included five Withrow Park Ball Hockey League players) to win the gold medal in Bratislava.

For 2012, the Ontario Ball Hockey Association is proud to have the Withrow Park Knights represent their comminuty at the 2nd World Master Cup which will be held in the fall of 2012, the best teams in the world will face off again in Pilsen, Czech Republic

The Withrow Park entry is a community entry. Following in the footsteps of the Beeton Xtreme who represented the OBHA and its ball hockey community in 2010, in Slovakia, will be another OBHA community.

The Withrow Park league is a leader within the sport of ball hockey in Ontario and will represent the Toronto East based community. Withrow Park is an OBHA and community success story which supplies ball hockey to its neighbourhood through its Minors right up through to Masters and Women’s divisions.

Withrow Park players are excited for this opportunity to represent their community in this ambassadorial role. This tournament is not a “win at all costs” event, and as such is ambassadorial in its mission. The mission is to share the game with other nations in a sportsmanlike setting of goodwill.

The OBHA next year has been granted by the World Ball Hockey Federation the Master’s Gold Cup for Men’s O40 and Women’s Over 35 during the World Ball Hockey Championships being hosted in Toronto in June 2013.

The OBHA board will look hosting a tournament for the host teams for the 2013 event as the New Tecumseth Xtreme (Men’s) and Ontario Mac’s (Women’s) teams have already qualified with their recent victories at the 2012 Master’s Open Provincial Championships.

The OBHA board and its member leagues would like to congratulate the Withrow Park Knights members who will represent Canada, under the guidance of GM’s David Valenta and Len Ambramowicz.

We wish them well as this has been a two year process with try outs, practices, and team building for this large monumental planning project to take a team overseas and good luck representing the community with class and goodwill in the Czech Republic.

Read 4484 times Last modified on Wednesday, 07 May 2014 13:11